
How we can help.

We understand that no two people are the same and all situations are completely unique. This is why we offer a wide range of services to cater for you as an individual, organisation or team. Our impartial expert advice can support you when it comes to responding to respectful behaviour in your organisation and supporting and repairing relationship . 

Our practice is founded on processes for creating, supporting, and repairing relationships in various organisational settings. We focus on the prevention, interpretation and response to harm and conflict occurring within these settings.

For Individuals

Do you need support, guidance and expertise in response to harm or conflict experienced in your organisation? OneResolve can help you identify and support the necessary steps in response and foster positive cultural change.

For Organisations

Do you need help knowing your individual rights within your organisation? We can support you to understand what processes and procedures that will help and support you.

Challenges can frequently arise within organisations, from communication issues to navigating conflict, harm, diversity and inclusion. At OneResolve we empower organisation with the right responses, support, education and strategies to foster and maintain a safe and healthy organisational culture.



Cultural & Systemic Change


We are experts in the field of cultural & organisational systems. We understand that many people think that harmful behaviour or conflict occurs in isolation of the organisation within which the harm or conflict has occurred. We recognise that the response of organisations to these concerns can be reactive and focus on the response to the incidents.

The way people individually and collectively behave within an organisation is significantly influenced by its organisational culture. Being able to identifying the factors that contribute to harmful incidents, behaviours and conflict within organisational cultures is essential if meaningful change is to occur. If organisations can properly commit to cultural and systemic reform, move away from compliance and towards good practice it gives space for the most effective and efficient systems and culture to be achieved, both the in the response to and prevention of further harm or conflict.


Within existing legislative and governance frameworks there can be an over-reliance on formal complaints and disciplinary processes in response to harm and conflict. This can result in:

  • creating risks of re-traumatisation for the people harmed or elevating distress amongst people engaged in conflict.

  • Impede the primary focus to prioritise and meet the needs and wellbeing of the people harmed or in conflict.

Restorative facilitation is a process where a trained independent, and impartial person/s supports and assists people where there has been experiences of harm or conflict to engage in a facilitated and safe process to meet their needs, when all the necessary regulatory and legislative requirements are met.

Restorative facilitation allows people to engage in a safe and meaningful way to discuss and explore their perspectives and the impacts that the harm or conflict has had on them and develop their own restorative outcomes.


A multitude of complex factors can contribute to a problematic or harmful organisational culture. We provide independent, strategic and practical advice to effect change within organisations.

We identify, advise and support you to develop and implement measures to effect positive cultural change.

We provide confidential and independent advice, coaching and support to effect cultural change and repair the impacts of harmful organisational culture. 

Need more information or have a question?

Restorative Facilitations


At OneResolve our restorative facilitations focus on defining and meeting the needs of the people harmed and impacted, rather than formal investigative or disciplinary approaches.

We understand that the form of restorative facilitation can vary significantly depending on the needs of the people involved. We can assure that the model adopted for your case specifically accommodates the nature of the dispute and work to create desired outcomes for those involved.

In some instances, this might mean that the parties want complete autonomy this mean they are wanting to develop their own outcomes during the facilitation.

Whilst in other circumstances the parties might be seeking the support and assistance of the facilitator to guide the conversation for the desired outcomes.


Systems Improvement

Including Policy Development & Reform


Safeguarding of children & adults in an organisational context works towards protecting the health, wellbeing & rights of individuals to be safe from the risk of harm. Some of these procedures can include various actions, systems & processes designed to help individuals feel safe within their organisation. Safeguarding & improving systems occurs on a continuum, from prevention all the way through to early intervention, reporting as well as responding to reports & disclosures of harm.

OneResolve has the level of expertise required to provide strategic & practical advice & support, including the development & revision of polices & procedures to meet standards of good practice.

Education & Coaching Programs


Ongoing education and coaching about prevention, early intervention, and response to harm and conflict within organisational contexts is vital. Training and education is provided to raise awareness, support understanding and ensure individual and collective commitment to relevant safeguarding policies and practices with in organisations. Training and education also helps organisational members recognise the nature and indicators of harm and conflict and better equip them to know what to do if these incidents occur. Education and coaching can aid your organisation to: 

  • encourage awareness as well as open a transparent dialogue amongst members.

  • promote a safe culture from within whilst also allowing members to impart their awareness and knowledge to the broader community to which they are a part of.


We provide independent and impartial risk assessments and investigative responses to reports and disclosures of harm within the organisation, when needed. The need to assess and minimise the risk of further harm always remains paramount.

The adoption of independent processes by external experts avoids situations of perceived or actual conflict. The engagement of external experts also actively minimises adverse consequences which are often experienced in response to reports or disclosures of harm such as stress, anxiety and workload.

 At OneResolve we have years of experience in the provision of investigation and assessment services. From this experience we understand that there must be a level of care and sensitivity to the needs of all involved, within varied organisational settings.


OneResolve works through a prevention lens that identifies the many complex factors that contribute to incidence/s of harm and inadequate or failed responses.

We continue to engage in the ongoing development and implementation of safeguarding systems to improve the prevention of and response to harm in organisational contexts.

We support organisations so that they move away from a compliance and steer towards a culture of good practice which can achieves the most cost-effective safeguarding systems.


OneResolve can develop and implement training and education models and programs to meet the specific needs of your organisation. 

We are experts in creating, educating and implementing programs within organisations that relate to the safeguarding of children and adults from harm as well as responses to significant conflict.

We provide leadership coaching for those within the organisation with responsibility for decision making in relation to prevention, safeguarding and response.

Ask us how we can help educate and train your organisation.

Risk assessment & Investigation


Our investigation and assessment services function on a need of necessity. Once we understand your matter within your organisation we decide if it’s necessary to investigate or if it’s best to take a different approach. This way we can figure out if there’s an easier and more efficient process for the organisation. We believe in certain situations, the assessment and minimisation of risk of further harm can be achieved without a formal investigation.

Once determined, we can provide investigation and assessment services in relation to any reports and disclosures of harm whether it’s sexual, physical, psychological, spiritual, neglect and/or harassment including bullying and discrimination within the organisation. These services are provided in circumstances where some concerns, reports or disclosures may involve criminal justice and other legal or regulatory process obligations. Interviews can be conducted at venues convenient to those people engaged, with a view to maintaining the privacy of all concerned. 

“My organisation engaged Anna Tydd – OneResolve to develop our Child Safe Standards framework & materials & to facilitate workshops with internal & external stakeholders in regard to cultural safety. Anna was an absolute pleasure to work with. She understood both briefs & was highly effective & efficient in the delivery of the work. Her work is of a high standard, & she is an expert in those fields. I look forward to working with Anna in the future!”

- An organisation where OneResolve developed their Child Safe Standards Framework in 2023.




At OneResolve we understand that there are multiple perspectives to any given situation. As part of our individual services we can offer private and confidential expert advice and support to help people navigate responses to experiences of harm or conflict which listens to the needs of all the people involved.

We prioritise the needs of those most impacted and ensure that the services we provide specifically accommodate the particular nature of the harm or conflict and the desired outcomes for those involved. 

Our work with individuals focuses on the development as well as the implementation of restorative practices particularly in response to reports and disclosures of harm and conflict that meets two main accountability objectives:

  • To assess as well as understand and mitigate risk of further harm to the person harmed and others.

  • To offer a trauma-informed and survivor centred restorative processes when all relevant legislative and regulatory obligations have been met. 

We have an anonymous resource for individuals who might be seeking advice and support. If you feel as though you have more questions, please click here.

Find out more about how we can help you.